Calvary Chapel was a work started in 1965 by the Holy Spirit who used a man name Chuck Smith to simply teach the bible simply. Paul proclaimed in Acts 20.27 For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God. Pastor Chuck trusted in the Holy Spirit and taught chapter by chapter, verse by verse through the entire bible from Genesis to Revelation.
The ministry of Jesus in Matt 4.23 was to teach, preach and heal. Tacoma Calvary carries on the ministry of Jesus through our teaching of the word, preaching the gospel and praying for the Lord to heal. We also carry on the ministry of Pastor Chuck by teaching through the whole council of God and trusting in the Holy Spirit and His gifts for the church.
The word "church" in the New Testament comes from two words Ek klesia, or the "out called". We are those God has called out of darkness and into His marvelous Kingdom of Light.